Thursday, January 12, 2006


I've been going through the left brained exercise of creating a timeline of events. This is how to somewhat analyse or guide the right brained process of creation, where one can list out the multiple creative elements, and place a pattern or chronology of events around it. This process is a good review of the topics of each chapter, and also go a long way in helping create links and answer outstanding questions which may arise as apart of the revelation method.

What I typically do is go chapter by chapter, making page references, and associating events, such as the mention of time, dates, activities, or events that happen throughout the timeline. This process goes a long way towards closing any gaps, and also evaluating the logistics and authenticity of the myraid of events which take place. Typically I'll make note of symbols which I'd like to emphasize, as well as story elements which I would like to go back to. This will speed up the enriching and editing processes quite substantially once the first draft is complete.

Interesting to note is I'm not just over 88,000 words, and I'm only have way through chapter 17. The completion of chapter 17 will bring me to around 90,000 words; while the entire first draft is expected to be around 100,000 in total. The enriching / editing period may, and probably will impact that number. The book itself, when published will probably be around 400 pages, of heart pounding intrigue and excitement.

This process is my gift to myself, and to you as well; I sincerely believe that there is something here for everyone, and could potentially make an exciting transition to the silver screen. Reader feedback will be the determining factor on that one. So I hope you enjoy it! I know I have.

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