Thursday, January 12, 2006

Moving along

Success! I had a great creative session last night, in which the anomalies that I've been dealing with as apart of the story have worked out quite nicely, and in a fantastically interesting way. I'm very pleased with the ideas which came to me last night as I was planning the events for chapter 17 and 18.

19 has already been written... and is about 90% of the way complete. More integration has to take place between 18, and 20... which will bring together the climax of the story. Chapter 19 was screaming to get out one day, and I've been anticipating the writing of it since the book began. It started with this vision, and I've been patiently waiting... from chapter 1 all the way to 16... and then I just couldn't wait any longer. It was just too fun!

When chapter 17 and 18 are completed, then I'll be able to integrate all of the new plot details into chapter 19, making that chapter well worth the wait for everyone! Chapter 20 MAY be a continuation somewhat of 19, where 21 will close off the plot. But as the revelation method continues, I won't know until I get there.

It's amazing, this story has been over 11 years in the making, but it's only taken me about 1.5 years to write. The first 11 years were really about preparing my mind, and my spirit to write something of this magnitude... but now it's as if I couldn't live without it. That's why I'm so glad it's a trilogy, because I'll be doing what I like to do for quite some time. And I'm already forumalting ideas for a possible book 4. Stay tuned!

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