Friday, January 20, 2006

Fading towards completion

Last night was an incredible writing session. I not only nearly completed all of chapter 18, bringing me up to 95,000 words... I received and jotted down the ideas for chapter 19's expansion, a new focus for chapter 20, and the details surrounding chapter 21 which brings it all together.

I wrote to the point of exhaustion, which is my usual pace... I write until my hands hurt, or my brain can't take anymore... I just continue on and push through as much as possible. Yesterday I wrote roughly 5000 words, which brought me up to 9 pages (8.5 x 11) for chapter 18, while at least another 5 are required to bring the chapter to a close. But the connections... between characters really makes sense. They are connected well, the perspective changes are fluid, and the events which take place are well fitted and timed with respect to the plot.

Again, all that remains is chapter 18's completion, 19's updating (almost already finished), which will leave me right at chapter 20. Once chapter 20 is complete, chapter 21 will be the final chapter, and will bring about the completion to part 3 of the story. The epilogue will follow directly after, perhaps with a different style than you may have seen before. The preface, and dedication pages... as well as several summary drafts remain, which will accompany my publication/query letter. Everything is coming together, as Part 1 of a story that has taken me less than 2 years to complete will come to an end... which will give me the opportunity to write book 2! Book 2 will be a continuation of one in some respects, expanding on the relationships, more action, more concepts, and even more detail. Book 3 will be better understood as I write book 2. Although I have a high level understanding of key events throughout all 3 books, and a plot which is laid out... the finer points are usually provided / received once the writing has begun.

An interesting/wonderous process... but there is no other way to describe being in the "writing zone" than a form of meditation, or a form of being in the now... where all that exists is the concept in your mind, and the process which is used to capture and bring that idea to paper. Thus bringing Thought, to Word, to Action. Often times leaving me in a state of awe... at how it's all come together, how well it's fitting, and how much I've learned. If I do nothing else except write books about topics I'm interested in... then I've completed my required learning for this life... as there's no better way to understand something that you're interested in, than to write it down, expose the details, make the necessary connections, and have a work that is there for review, contemplation, correction, etc.

It's an exciting time right now, as my life continues to proceed down this path... and I'm thankful for every step that I've taken to get me here. Another interesting thing to note, is when writing the villain, I've noticed that my life itself... takes a particular turn towards frustrating events, and things which make me angry. I don't know if it's life producing situations in order for me to get in touch with my character... or if it's me getting in touch with the character that is creating a frustrated perspective on life. Life imitating art, or vise versa? It is a distinctly different feeling then when I write the perspective of the protagonist, which is a high energy, free flowing, and easy experience. While writing the antagonist(s) makes me descend to a lower vibration, temporarily feigning a lower state of understanding / awareness, and generally negative. It is something that I've consciously noted... which helps me realize why perhaps things seem so "screwed up" at times... as I relate it back to what I'm creating and what I'm writing. Other times when things seem "perfect" in life... I'm writing the perspective of a positive character. As I become more aware of that affect, I try to work through it as best as possible, and keep an objective perspective. Which is difficult, if not impossible at times... seeing as the work, and the process itself is so subjective. Fun stuff! Almost done though!

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