Friday, April 28, 2006

Full Circle

All things in life will come full circle. We are born, we are children wanting to be older, then adults wanting to be younger. We are born, we die (perhaps), and we're born again. A friendship begins with a handshake, a cycle ensues... and sometimes a friendship even ends with a handshake. Sometimes we reach a plateau in life, we then go out and learn, experience, and do many things to overcome that plateau, to change it... to live another way. Then after awhile, we end up right back where we started... the plateau. A different plateau, but a plateau nonetheless. We carve our path out in life, thinking that things will be better if I do something, or experience something new. Only to realize that the emotions we seek to envelop us have been within us all along.

There was nothing as powerful in my life experience, as the time I fully came to realize what happens when a cycle comes to an end... only to find that you've engaged in another cycle immediately. I have a close friend who brought out, and drew out experiences, confidence, and validation from within me. Without those exchanges of information and consciousness, without the validation that I received during those exchanges, I would be hard pressed to believe I'd be where I am today. Not to say that I am relinquishing my responsibility in getting here, it was my path. But the friendships I've forged along this path have exponentially aided my development. At a higher level, I drew these experiences to myself. At a granular level, I thank the individuals who helped me get here.

One fine morn, we shook hands and it began. Over the course of a year and a half, we shared many validating experiences in terms of my own concepts of life, and how the energy systems work within the body, and a varied of other confirmations. Those experiences are now apart of me, I will look back to those and view them as apart of the foundation on which I stand. I've been fortunate to have validation throughout all of my life, which has allowed me to evolve my understanding on a daily basis. But certain key moments in time have unfolded which have prompted me to move forward much quicker. And as we both watched the world around us change, we came to realize something... that the work we had set out to do was complete. I had received and experienced what was needed to get me here... today, and he had experienced what he needed to get him where he is now.

One fine morn, we shook hands once again... with beams of light shining down through mirrored windows upon ourselves, signifying that our cycle of learning and development had come to a close. The relationship died that day, in a way that few will understand, only to give rise to new beginnings and a new kind of friendship that forged and sealed with the clasping of fists. We haven't seen much of each other since then, but we both know that the new cycle we've engaged in... will too come to a close, and we will once again come full circle. Right back to where we started... shaking hands, talking about life, and the possibilities of an even grander future that lies ahead for us all.

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