Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Did you know...

That everything you are experiencing right now in life, is something that you have brought to yourself for the purpose of evolution?

Did you know that everything you've ever experienced, be it good, bad, disgusting, vile, wretched, inhuman, blissful, wondrous, or hateful, you've brought to yourself for the purpose of learning who you are? You do this by taking the emotional wisdom from the experience, and storing it within your soul, where is can be drawn from at any time as a point of reference, a point of wisdom. Essentially, the emotional energy is stored within you, simply so you no longer will have the urge to experience that again. You can if you want to... because you may thoroughly enjoy the experience, but in that case... you really haven't had "enough" of the experience yet. Sex is a good example. Most people would need quite a lot of it before they could say... hmmm I've had enough of that in this life. But for other experiences, which aren't as pleasant, such as being abused. You may have the strength within to say, hmm I don't need that experience again. I know what it is to be oppressed. You may even know what it's like to be the oppressor. But you'll never understand the feelings from both perspectives, unless you've experienced both perspectives... the oppressed, and the oppressor. Sometimes we can cycle through these experiences quickly, learn from them, evolve, and move on to the next experience. Some of us, however, get stuck in a behavioural loop, where we constantly repeat the behaviour because of some insecurity, or emotional payoff.

Did you know that every life circumstance that you can identify right now... in your life today, is there because you have some issue... be it, spiritual, psychology, or physical... that needs to be worked through? And the circumstance has appeared conveniently in your life, to provide you with an opportunity to overcome that situation. For some... that is a tough pill to swallow. It's even tougher still... for those who are consciously aware of that fact, because then to take an inventory of the life circumstances in your life, with full awareness of why they are there... makes you wonder exactly how far you've really come on the path of evolution. Example... "Why am I still dealing with issues of loneliness?" or "Why am I still dealing with issues of physical weight?" A sobering thought. The attention that it takes to remove these blocks from our lives, is quite large, and requires thought, words, and deeds to do so. Not always a simple task, given the illustrious illusions that we are faced with each and everyday on top of this. Such as kids... work... bills... etc. But the faster we move through these things... these life circumstances, the faster we progress on our path to unlimitedness.

Did you know in a state of pure unlimitedness, that you are capable of absolutely anything? Of course... because you are unlimited! Does that mean you could fly... or move mountains with mere thoughts. YES! With only the faith of a mustard seed, you can do this. But do not underestimate the faith of a mustard seed. That seed knows... it doesn't guess... it doesn't doubt... it doesn't feel guilty that it isn't a mustard bush yet... it just knows... that it is now, and it will be a mustard bush. And it is. Do you have the same clarity of mind?

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