Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Just came back from my Uncle's place, where we celebrated Easter this year as a family. Normally we've always celebrated Easter at my Grandmothers, however we've been changing the locations of these routine events, to give her a bit of a break. Last Christmas was also the first time we've ever not had Christmas eve dinner at my Grandmothers, which I hate to say it... just didn't feel the same. There wasn't as much a sense of unity or togetherness last year.

We'd spent last Christmas at my Uncle's house, who has a split level home which... while providing more space than my Grandmothers bungalow, it also caused more dispersed herd like behaviour amongst the family. Some went up stairs, others outside... the kids in the basement with the Xbox, and the adults scattered about. Not as convenient from a conversation point of view, as you'd have to seek out people if you wanted to speak with them specifically, instead of having them within an ear shot.

This Easter, being at my Uncles house was much the same. However it did have it's moments. The kids are growing up so fast... it's really a miracle to be able to remind ourselves of what it was like to be that young, and how we acted, and how quickly we changed. How quickly we've lost the brutal honesty, or open mind and heartedness. There is much spiritual doctrine that points to the children for our salvation, for our only way to understand what the "natural man" acts like. Before we've spoiled them with the practices and dogmas of social consciousness and culture. Unconditionally loving, wise, honest, cute, funny, and free. It's amazing... but I saw that again, and wow some of them have really grown. Life stops for no one.

One minute you pause to see a baby wrapped up in new born bundles at Christmas, and the next she's running at you at Easter. I can see how this all seems like the blink of an eye after it's all said and done. So the only thing to do is live in the now and remember and feel all the things that happen... cherish them. Maybe time will stand still then?

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