Thursday, July 09, 2009

Accepting Your Limitations II

Accepting your limitations allows you to understand them, and in some cases move beyond them. In either case, it's extremely important to be able to understand that there are real things in this world that affect your ability to understand, function, and deliver results. These factors come in the form of mental processing, belief systems, physical limitations, and cultural or societal restrictions.

There comes a time in everyone's life where we understand that there is only so much time in a day. There is only so much we are willing to put up with, only so much we are willing to do. It is during these times that we decide whether or not to push forward, go around, halt, or tuck our tails and run. Each to their own, and each according to their abilities.

It is important to understand where you are in context with time limitations, and the effort you are willing to put forth. Some things might be too late, such as being an Olympic athlete as an example... many of us have missed the boat on that one. It doesn't mean we could have never achieved it, but it does mean that time, cost, and effort may be constraining factors.

Not to worry, there is no such thing as a pointless creation, and all of us have a purpose that we've decided upon. Some of us may simply be an example unto others, in a positive or negative way, while others might have a clearly defined path, and are working towards that goal on a daily basis. "The Quest" as it was so eloquently put by a friend and instructor is simply the path we have chosen, and each day is the means to that end.

Some have never considered their life's quest, while others have devoted every waking moment to it. In the end, both will get to nirvana if you'd like to call it that, but one might be of more deliberate choosing than others.

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