Sunday, June 28, 2009

Free Speech - A Freedom Lost

The United Nations is eying the constitutional rights of all nations, in their next move towards global unification and governance. Why is this an important issue? Well the age old question of how do you boil a frog comes to mind? Here's my spin on it...

How do you boil a frog? Slowly... gradually. You place the unsuspecting frog in a pot of water... you may even tell the frog it's good for him to be there. Perhaps it's safer in there, perhaps he just saw 5000 of his closest frog friends die in a disaster of some sort. Of course the insecure... poor frog may have actually run to you... asking what to do next, as his very world... all that he knew was turned upside down because of the disaster. You then tell the frog, listen frog... the problem is you don't have enough security and governance in your swamp. Perhaps if you hand over your right to swim as you please in this swamp, and request that you swim in this pot full of water. It's for your own good.

At first, the frog might be apprehensive, but after you remind him that it's not safe in the swamp... and remind him that 5000 of his people have died in a vicious attack by other frogs from a different swamp, with different points of view of how the swamp world should work. The poor, disheartened, confused frog agrees.

Unfortunately, as the other... wiser frogs from his own swamp, or even friendly neighbouring swamps attempt to remind him that the death of his 5000 brethren didn't quite make sense... they are silenced. The rights of those frogs are taken away... their questions cannot be asked... their reason cannot be considered, their points of view will go unheard. The pot begins to bubble.

To add to this, any frog from your own swamp which questions the happenings within the pot are now considered part of the problem. The frog in the pot is told that those who question the world within the pot are also the enemy... and must be silenced for his own safety. The frog agrees, as the pot begins to boil.

The last warning that is given to the poor insecure frog is this... do not question your percieved reality, or the actions we take for your safety... or our motives for doing so... it is for your own good. The water boils.

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