Monday, May 05, 2008

Notes On A Deliberate Life

A life lived deliberately, is a life lived. Deliberate intent is a powerful thing... this has created worlds, and oceans... galaxies and stars, so why would it not create all that you desire? We forget this sometimes... how powerful we are. We get caught up in the day to day maintenance of our lifestyles, and the persona's our work and life creates. We slowly lose touch with what is real. Well lets make this a bit easier for us... what is real?

Real is that which we choose to include in our sphere of thought, that which is born of our perspective. The sphere of thoughts is the boundaries (as defined by you) with which you're allowing thought to enter your mind, based upon that which you are focusing on. As a man thinkth, as is done unto him. What you're thinking about manifests, what you're thinking about is included into your vibration, what you're thinking about is created, experienced, and is real... to you. And that is all that real is... and the further you drive out a clear understanding of what thoughts you include within your vibration, the more precise of a creator you are.

What do you define as a creator? Because you're not able to manifest a horse or an elephant immediately in-front of you, as you think of it... do you think you are lacking power? Lacking the power to manifest even these things? Because believe me, the time delay between what we are thinking about, and what manifests physically is a very huge grace... a gift to us ignorant, often clumsy, and unconscious creators. How many times have you wished something horrible on someone or something in your life? Even in childhood, are you the one that never thought a bad thought about a person, parent, or what have you? Doubtful... we've all experienced that. And what a sad world we would live in, if those things came true instantly. But believe me, think long enough on anything... and you will get your elephant.

Become deliberate. Deliberately refine your vibration, deliberately create your life, and understand the causality of your decisions, on you and on everyone around you. Refine your decisions to only include those thoughts that cause positive, happy, delicious, powerful, humble, open, enthusiastic, joyful, accepting, real thoughts and feelings. Why listen to me? I don't ask you to, because how can I possibly describe the vast difference between those living deliberately, and those who aren't. All I can ask is that you trust your gut, because if these words cause you to think or feel lighter... than this was the message for you. If these words seem difficult or 'boring' (a wall to contain/restrain conscious growth), then move on. You will find what you need elsewhere, I have no doubt. All I offer is the thoughts which are born of my perspective, and I ask for nothing in return, including your agreement.

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