All of this was at some point an effort to resolve my own issues, my own faults, my own darkside... and as I continue to do so, I ponder when I made the transition from fixing my own human conditional problems, to solving others. At some point I decided that I must become the source of healing and the source of psychological problem solving, and give that away as the world around me requires it. Thus allowing me to heal the issues within. Perhaps this book is an effort to resolve my own issues surrounding hero archetypes, or maybe just the adventure that I would have liked to have experienced, and so I've created it. Much of it is taken from direct experiences I've had, whether in physical life or in dream states, and been adapted for the story. There is much of me in this work, and there is much work left to do in me.
Nothing has any meaning, save the meaning we give it. And so I ponder the meaning of creating such a book, such a series of books, and thus I ponder my purpose in creating it. All things are meant to be as they are, in my belief system, so with that understanding, this book was meant to be written, and meant to be read. The overall effect it has will be unknown to me... probably will remain unknown until long after I've left this place. Who can really speculate the effect that anything can have over a long period of time... it's like throwing a pebble into a pond, and speculating the change in molecules from that single event. Assumptions can be made, but the reality will always be different.
This effort comes from a place of joy, as writing is what I love to do, and it's what I'm good at. The rest of reality will eventually change as per my intensions, and will allow more books to come forth. I can hardly wait! I'll get there... we'll all get there.
I have a vacation coming up, starting next week. I'll be spending 2 weeks in the Yucatan, and I'll use that time to complete the remainder of the book, meaning chapter 20 and 21, as well as the Proluge and Epilogue. I will return with a finished product, that is ready for serious editing. Stay tuned! More to come.