Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reflections with Dan Millman

Dan Millman is the well known author of the Peaceful Warrior series, and someone whom I greatly admire. After spending years reading several other authors in the realm of evolution, mystisicm, metaphysics, psychology, etc, I rarely came across one that was able to encapsulate the power and profound responsibility that a weilder of knowledge must hold. Yet Dan Millman brought this all together by promoting the concept of a Peaceful Warrior, one that is fully aware, fully conscious, fully present and able to perform feats of impressive skill, by simply being completely engaged in the activity.

A martial artist like myself, and a very accomplished gymnast and coach, Dan has inspired millions through his many works, all starting with his original series based on the interactions between him and his unconventional teacher... Socrates. These stories are eye opening, and were inspirational for me throughout my life and writing career. The below message from Dan speaks about taking responsibility for who you are, and for being at peace without being victimized. A message for all of us, thank you Dan.


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