Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Process Update

The last few months, I have experienced many things. A slow down in the development or completion of my proposal packages for one, yet I have also experienced many advancements in research. I have experienced many slow downs at work, only to reveal a slingshot effect into a new and entirely different aspect of my development. The changes I experienced awakened in me, the truth of who I am.

At times, the content of life, and the attachment of the ego to that content stirs within you many experiences, emotions, projection, and a willingness to expand awareness beyond the limitation of the current situations. In my recent attachments to my career, and the role in which I play, I realized many things about myself - mainly that I may be able and quite capable in doing the work, however the lack of joy I experienced was a massive reminder as to who I truly am.

Who I truly am is not a function of my role, the role of uncle, brother, son... friend, colleague, martial artist... writer... none of these roles truly represent who I am. Who I am is evolving consciousness, and that consciousness, without attachment to roles, seeks joy. Without Joy, without this high quality experience of life, there is suffering. Happiness is, and can be very fleeting. Happiness is not within things, we are within happiness, if we choose to be. Happiness is a state of being, and is not a function of having or doing. Without this realization, happiness will always be fleeting... a glimpse of hope, in a world full of attachments to ego, to opinion, to form (physicality, or physical stuff), yet with each high, there is an equal opposite low. This will be the constant state of life without a realization that happiness is ultimately a choice.

My main realization, through the events which have transpired as of late, have brought me to a state of being in which I truly realize the doing in which brings me strength, which brings me power, and happiness... in the midst of those doings that made me depleted, and left me in very low states of energy.

Who I am within the world of form, of physicality, is an amass-ment of what doings I decide bring me the most happiness, and allow me to be in a state of pure beingness - as opposed to being in a state of attachment to a role. The things that I do which bring me presence in my being, that which allows me to concentrate soley on the current moment, and those things which bring me absolute peace of mind (meaning an absence of thought), are writing, kung fu, and work with technology, and to a lesser degree (only because I am still in a great learning curve which requires mental activity) guitar.

Those activities bring me presence in my being, and remove me from the world of thought. It brings me to a state of peace, to a state of love, to a state of being who I truly am. Pure consciousness... the awareness beyond thought.

Many activities can bring you to this place of pure absence of thought. Extreme physical activities that require concentration, meditation, deep breathing exercises... music... etc. There are infinite paths to peace of mind, but you must realize the difference between who you truly are, and the role you so happen to be playing.

I am a strong believer in the concept that whatever I am meant to learn will be presented to me under any and all conditions, so for example, if I was not a "Senior Process Consultant", I would be some other title or role, and the conditions would still be presented to me which would promote my best and greatest development of consciousness. But if you are trapped within a role, and are unaware of it, you will end up learning through negative aspects of yourself. If you choose to do something which brings you joy, you will be presented with the experiences which develop your consciousness through positive aspects of yourself. It is this recognition of your own being, and your best mode of functioning which brings you closer to who you truly are.

So... now... where does this leave me in context with the project of "The 7th Journey?" Now... the project will receive an incredible boost of energy. An incredible jolt of power, and an incredible jetison forward... just as I have on a personal level. This is because I will no longer be depleted, no longer experience limitation, and no longer seek to "reset my mind" in order to work on the project. Now, all actions through my life will work towards the same end. Happiness... presence... oneness with life. There will no longer be contention within... there will only be expression of joy without. This... is the 11th gate that I have been waiting for. The slingshot forward.. and now... the project is ready to move forward.

The packages will be sent to the agents with the right energies... as opposed to the packages being sent out in a state of conflict. This is what "The 7th Journey" has been waiting for... this is what I've been waiting for. So now... finally... it has begun.

Thank you for reading.

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